Encountering God in the media – Today’s news

Get hold of a newspaper; watch or listen to the news on TV or Radio; or look at a news website. Ask God to highlight one news item for you to pray with. Read or recall that news item in detail. Recall the facts – if it helps, write down the key points of the story.

Now, in stillness, try to enter into the situation – contemplate who the key players are; what might they be feeling; think about the victims, those who are affected by the event; think about the protagonists, those who are responsible; think about those who have responded in any way to this. Try to see each person as an individual, loved by God, messed up and broken by the sin and suffering in our world. Imagine what it would be like to be in that situation.

Allow yourself to express any feelings this raises: sorrow, anger, rage, hopelessness, dullness…

Where is God in that situation? Try to picture Jesus in the faces of different people.

Now, in the silence, bring your feelings to God.

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