Go Simply in Belief and Faith: Thomas’ Journey  

We are invited to simply trust,

to believe as a child.

This means asking questions as children do,

as well as accepting that

sometimes opposites are both true – as children do.


cloud of unknowing


Call to prayer

The love of God the Earth-maker

The light of Christ the Pain-bearer

The leading of the Spirit, the Life-giver

Call us to prayer today.


We come, we go

We seek, we hide,

We wait, we rush,

We gaze, we glance

We long – for You


Silence / stillness

Breathe slowly and deeply for a few minutes as you settle into prayer today.


Taize chant: Jesus remember me (Click here to listen to the chant)


Psalm 18  (Click on the link to listen, or click here to read the Psalm)


Taize chant: Jesus remember me


For reflection (Click on the link below to access each day’s meditation):

Day 1: Thomas confused

Day 2: Living in faith with uncertainty

Day 3: Thomas doubting and cynical

Day 4: Thomas’ journey, my journey



“God, we have no idea where you are going [with this]?

How can you expect us to know [how to proceed]?”

“Let us also go, and die with him” (John 11)

“Unless I see…,  [do this]……and [this], I won’t believe it.”

“My Lord and my God”

Choose one of Thomas’s dramatic outbursts each day this week, and complete it with your own version for your own current situation.


Use your journal this week to honestly express some of your doubts and questions.  Allow yourself to name them.  In prayer, express them to Jesus.   Allow yourself to sit for some days with the frustration – as Thomas had to.

If you are able to hold those tensions, the paradoxes of our faith, thank God for the grace given through the Spirit.  If not, don’t try and force it, or pretend to be somewhere where you are not.


Don’t be afraid

Be at peace

 – Jesus

Closing prayer

Honest Thomas, Apostle of faith:

Openly acknowledging unbelief;

Candidly admitting confusion and uncertainty;

Blessed finally, through seeing.

Holy One, bless us in our unseeing.

We believe;

Help us in our unbelief.

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