Go simply with your possessions – Judas’ Journey

Let’s commit ourselves to inner and outer simplicity,

letting go our ‘right’ to self-fulfillment

while our façade covers up our poverty of spirit;

setting aside our ‘right’ to affluence

while there are still those who live in abject poverty.


Call to Prayer

“Comfort, oh comfort my people”,

says your God.

“Speak softly and tenderly to Jerusalem,

but also make it very clear that she has served her sentence,

that her sin is taken care of—forgiven!

She’s been punished enough and more than enough,

and now it’s over and done with.”

(Isaiah 40:1-2 The Message)


Silence and stillness

As I become still, eyes closed, I consciously rest in the presence of the One who loves me




Taizé Chant: Within our darkest night


Psalm 84: Click on the link to listen, or click here to read the psalm


For reflection (Click on the link below to access each day’s meditation):

Day 1:  Judas’ concern for the widening gap : John 12.1-8

Day 2:  News commentary : How 21st century capitalism is failing us.

Day 3:  Judas’ hopes are high : Matthew 21.6-17

Day 4:  Judas disillusioned : John 13.21, 18.1-9

Day 5:  Judas’ journey, my journey



Let us pray for wisdom.

Let us pause from thinking and empty our mind.

Let us stop the noise.

In the silence let us listen to our heart. The heart which is buried alive.

Let us be still and wait and listen carefully.


A sound from the deep, from below.

A faint cry. A weak tapping.

Distant muffled feelings from within.

The cry for help.


We shall rescue the entombed heart.

We shall bring it to the surface, to the light and air.

We shall nurse it and listen respectfully to its story.

The heart’s story of pain and suffocation, of darkness and yearning.

We shall help our feelings to live in the sun. Together again

we shall find relief and joy.

Michael Leunig, A Common Prayer


Taizé Chant: Within our darkest night



Closing prayer

My dearest Lord

Be thou a bright flame before me

Be thou a guiding star above me

Be thou a smooth path beneath me

Be thou a kindly shepherd behind me

Today and evermore.

St Columba (521-597)




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